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And one day, the fishing vessel Sinbad stopped floating.
Everything ends in the end, nothing can escape, everything has an end, everything ends… Vox Dei professed in the golden age of national music. Without a doubt, Sinbad concluded 46 years of life dedicated to fishing. It was part of the port of the most important fishing city in Argentina. Yesterday, at 1:36 p.m., the hull was visible afloat for the last time to join the Cristo Rey underwater park.
In a great deployment, the ship Sinbad dismantled in the Mar del Plata, was sunk in on Tuesday morning in the “Cristo Rey” Submarine Park, which is in front of the Punta Mogotes Lighthouse, more precisely 4.3 nautical miles to the southeast.

Last position of BP Sinbad
After the rigorous procedures completed the day before, this Tuesday after 09:30 a.m. the deployment began using the tugboats “Remarsa I” at the bow and the “Ona Milagro” at the stern (belonging to the two tugboat companies that operate in the port of Mar del Plata) with a pilot on board.
After almost three hours of navigation, the boats arrived at the sinking area, where they had an optimal journey beyond encountering fog banks along the route that did not hinder navigation or the actions of the experienced personnel to conduct the planned tasks.
Personnel from the salvage and diving company Canal & Canal also participated in the important action, as well as personnel from Astilleros De Angelis who were responsible for conducting the corresponding scrapping.
They carefully conducted the corresponding positioning and then removed the “water intakes” and the “course covers” to anchor the anchor so that the boat could seek its “natural” position according to the sea currents.

The entire operation was supervised by members of the Mar del Plata delegation of the PNA (Argentine Naval Prefecture), through the Coast Guard GC-66 “Río Luján” and GC-72 “Buenos Aires” with the Head of the delegation being PM José Fernando Dos Santos, who, in person, supervised that each of the manoeuvres that were being carried out were as planned and that they did not cause any type of inconvenience for the people who were intervening, as well as that the routes of all the vessels involved were appropriate and as previously planned.
In the permanent communication that the PESCARE team maintained with the head of the company Remolcadores Mar del Plata, Sergio Di Nápoli, there were no news about any type of inconvenience either during navigation or when “handing over” the ship to the staff of Thalassa Buceo, who are the ones dedicated to coordinating and supervising the activities that take place in the underwater park.
After noon and accompanied by horns from the inflatable rubber boats that accompanied the operation, the “Sinbad” sank forever in the waters of the Argentine Sea to continue being useful for sports activities.
The “Sinbad”, a French-built ship that was launched in 1976 (inactive for 3 years), has a length of 51 meters and a beam of 8.5 and is already part of the underwater park along with the “Cristo Rey” and the “Khronometeer”, this new boat being donated by the owner César Cicciotti to “fulfil a dream, not only for those of us who dive in Mar del Plata, but for many others who are part of the project and will find benefits in this step that is very important for the city”, as stated by Carlos Brelles, president of the Thalassa Diving Club.
Aside from the operation, which took a long time to execute due to innumerable bureaucratic procedures that the last shipowner company that owned the Sinbad had to carry out, everything suggests that it is closing everywhere, on the one hand its shipowner will be able to have its final Fishing certificate once informed the final destination of the Sinbad, which became, no less, than the BP Infant Jesus of Prague. For the CPRMDP, because it begins a long path towards the total cleaning of the few remaining operational docks. For the PNA, which must be responsible for the inconvenience caused by and by these inactive vessels that are a headache. And finally, for diving lovers who will find one more attraction for our city and its sport.

Aside from that, even the day seemed sad, between the fog and the grey of the mist, the landscape seemed desolate, after all, the sea did not defeat Sinbad, on the contrary, a ship that has left its imprint in the local port, between captains, machinists, and countless crew members as workers. Thousands of tons, work, labour, sacrifice, and satisfaction passed through its warehouses for entrepreneurs who have had, throughout these almost 45 years, an aligned fishing vessel with fine lines, typical French, that once cut the seas of the South Atlantic. and adorned the docks of Mar del Plata.
Thanks www.pescare.com.ar
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